Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween and music mishmash

This is a pretty random mess of content, all the things that didn't fit in previous updates.

In late September we went and saw a band called Limited Express (has gone?), who we'd seen in Brisbane before, and they were great, very high energy.  Here's some pics:

More, much more blurry photos, but a couple of pretty good videos: HERE

We also, more recently (Oct 20), went to the last ever (so far) Blip Festival, which was held in Tokyo.  Blip Festival is a night where a series of bands/musicians do their thing with chiptunes, music made from the tones of video game consoles.  I listened to much more dubstep than I ever had before (not sure if that's a good thing), and again, here's a couple of photos:

Bud Melvin plays the banjo over game boy tones and dulcet tones.

Nullsleep takes himself really seriously I think.  "This one is for everyone who is filled with a sense of existential dread" - a real thing that he really said....derp

Covox is a guy that does some of the doofy doof.

Nnnnnnnn was great fun, not my style, but high energy and I guess it was pretty good for dubstep.  Unfortunately I have no good still shots, only video, and you can find that, plus other blurry photos HERE.

Okay and the real highlight.  Jason works near Yoyogi, and we both have our Japanese lessons at his work, as they do both English and Japanese lessons there.  Halloween isn't such a big thing over here, compared to America, but Halloween near Jason's work was pretty cute this year.  Seeing the potential may mean I actually go to a bit of effort next year.  Here is Halloween Yoyogi-style:

Not going to link to the others, trust me, this is the best of a bad and blurry lot.  There were kids running around everywhere in costume, we saw a Mario and Luigi duo in very accurate outfits, and numerous witches, princesses and pumpkins.  If the kids over here could get any cuter, it would be illegal.

In terms of the everyday stuff, I went to a workshop for the IB in mid-October in Kuala Lumpur.  The workshop was great, non-stop contact with a lot of motivated teachers.  No time for sightseeing, but I brought home a pile of things that are hard to find/expensive over here - good toothbrushes and deodorant mainly.

We both had a recent bout of flu - mainly gross and not worth repeating, but I think we're doing better now.

Last of all, tomorrow I start NaNoWriMo - National Novel Writing Month, something I have roped my year 7 students into as well.  Over the course of November I'll be writing 50,000 words, so I will be limited in my blogging for a wee while.  I may do a mid-November update with a guest appearance, but things will be quiet for a while.

All the best to you and yours!

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